Boysenberries might benefit asthma sufferers

Globally it is estimated that 150 million people are affected by asthma, with children making up around 10 per cent of sufferers. In New Zealand, one of every nine adults and every seven children are prescribed asthma medication. New research suggests that regular boysenberry consumption might improve lung function by

Does a sweet tooth affect sugar intake?

It has long been known taste plays an important role in many of our food choices, but what if we knew whether having a so-called “sweet tooth” did indeed lead to a sugar habit? PhD student Shakeela Jayasinghe, from Massey University’s School of Food and Nutrition, has unraveled new insights

Health: Thumb-suckers and nailbiters beat allergies

Children who suck their thumbs or bite their nails might be less likely to develop allergies, according to a new University of Otago study. The finding emerges from the long-running Dunedin Multidisciplinary Study, which has followed the progress of 1037 participants born in 1972-1973 into adulthood. The study, which appears

Immunisation changes: protecting boys from cancer

Year 8 boys will be lining up alongside the girls to be immunised against HPV next year following changes to the National Immunisation, reports the Education Gazette. Changes to school immunisation programmes from 2017 will protect boys from some types of cancer. HPV immunisation will be free for everyone aged

Reducing waste in the school canteen

We all know how important it is to keep the school canteen’s fridge, cupboard and fruit bowl stocked with fresh food. A hungry child can quickly become a grumpy child. But without proper planning, we can easily order too much food, or the wrong type, and end up throwing large

Seasonal fruit packed with natural goodness

Eating fresh fruit is a natural, easy way to boost wellness during winter, says 5+ A Day. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly will help to ward off sniffles and sneezes during the coldest months. Seasonal fruit, such as mandarins, oranges and lemons, taste great as well as being

We must slash our salt intake by 30 per cent

Food manufacturers and consumers will need to reduce salt in their food by at least 30 per cent if New Zealand is to meet a global target for sodium reduction by 2025. A 36 per cent reduction (1.6g salt or 628mg sodium) in the sodium content of packaged foods, and