Jason Mason and the Flightless Bird Fiasco by Jason Gunn and Andrew Gunn.

Jason Mason is a pretty average kid. The kind of kid who gets to play a dog in the school play. The kind of kid who buys a hotdog and drops it on the ground. The kind of kid who believes his classmate when she says she owns a Maserati. The kind of kid who is, actually, a secret agent. Wait . . . What?

You won’t believe what happens when a giant, extinct, flightless bird is spotted in Palmerston North. This book is sure to make you want to read more of Jason Mason’s out-of-this-world adventures!

Categories: Children’s Books, Children’s New Zealand,  New Zealand Kids.

Reading Age: 7 to 12 years
RRP: Paperback NZ$19.99
Published by Bateman Books in NZ.

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